Overactive bladder syndrome is a common medical condition that affects one in four women and one in ten men, according to the Health Service Executive.7 It can be improved and is often cured completely with the help of professional advice and treatment. There are many professionals out there who can support you in managing and treating your OAB symptoms including GPs, nurses, physiotherapists and continence advisors.

Who can help me?

Your family doctor can investigate the possible cause of your OAB symptoms and can recommend a treatment plan. Your GP can also refer you to a hospital specialist for further treatment if required.

The public health nurse can assess and advise you on your bladder problem and may refer you to a continence advisor (if there is one in the local area).

A continence adviser is a specialist who can evaluate your OAB and advise you on suitable treatments and how to manage your condition.

The physiotherapist can work out an exercise and bladder training programme to suit your needs. These programmes can help to strengthen and improve the muscles that help maintain your bladder control.

HSE Continence Advisory Service

The HSE may hold regular Continence Advisory Clinics in your area. You can make an appointment by contacting your local Continence Advisor or Public Health Nurse. Your Local Health Office can give you contact details if you need them or you can visit your local doctor for an assessment. Health Service Executive Info Line Telephone: 1850 241 850

Continence Foundation of Ireland

The Continence Foundation of Ireland (CFI) was founded in September 2005 by a group of ten independent gynaecologists and urologists in Ireland with the aim of improving the quality of life for people who suffer from incontinence across all impacted groups - female and male, adult and child. www.continence.ie

Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists

Research has shown that physiotherapy helps to strengthen pelvic floor contractions and improve continence. You can contact your chartered physiotherapist through:

The Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists
Royal College of Surgeons
St Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2
01 402 2148

Pelvic floor exercises
Ask the GP
Practical tips
Bladder Diary

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